Acceleration Waltz

James Jirat - 2D to 3D Collaboration

Late in 2016 I started working on a collaboration project with good friend and incredible artist James Jirat Patradoon. We used to share an office space together and the conversation came up one day as to whether or not I could make one of his pieces in 3D. I jumped at the idea and James suggested a piece from his Body Ache exhibition at Good Space. The exhibition was a collection of works that were deliberately left unfinished and unrefined and the piece I recreated was a carousel of Horse's with their skulls exposed. 

I used the opportunity to practice my Zbrush skills and I ended up animating the piece and tried to match his style and tone. For those anatomy buffs out there you'll notice that the horses skull is stylised and this was to match James's composition. Check out the animation, sculpts of both the living and undead head bust as well as the original work for comparison. Also make sure to check out James's work because he is incredible!
